Money Crushes

by thenonamepoet

People go to fancy restaurants and eat nice food
While I sit alone hungry wishing I understood
Why my jobs aren’t enough
Why I always have to be tough
Why am I always in these conditions rough
While everyone else gets to do what they love
Meanwhile I can’t even afford a doctor
Or basic nutritional needs from the store
It leaves me desperate and just taking a drink
The influence of alcohol just helps my heart sink
While I cough and grow things all over my arm
Wondering if they’re going to fatally harm
Me. Meanwhile my bills pile up on the table
I see them everyday, paying them? I’m barely able
By the aid of 3 jobs and some welfare
Sometimes I just sit around with a blank stare
Asking when this gets easy
When the rich can stop being greedy
And I can stop being poor
And life becomes something more