The No Name Poet

I am but a mere poet, wielding our greatest gifts as humans: words.

Tag: Time

Art is Living

Art takes on a life of its own
Speaking to everyone who comes in its zone
Whether it is a picture frozen in time
Or a poem built up line by line
Or music indicative of a particular time
Or actors not merely reciting their lines
Even dancers whose moves bend your mind
All of this art is unique, one of a kind
And if it’s really good, its life transcends time
To everyone, a different message is imparted
No one is the same as they were when they started
Art is not merely just alive
It is hard at work changing lives
By letting people of all ages see
Their inspiration and what their verse should be
Everyone has these skills inside
They just have to be able to bring them to life

Lost Time

You were the girl I always wanted to know
But now you’re the woman I’ll never get to hold
I’ll admit the sound of your name still stirs my soul
Sam. I haven’t seen her in a year or so
Her beautiful blonde hair flowing in the wind
Okay maybe nothing was blowing in the wind
But we could talk and just be ourselves
But then life stepped in and made us something else
Now I’m stuck in my apartment with her in my brain
With the hope that she might be doing the same


Not paying attention, doodling away

Come on daydream, take me away

Give me an adventure to write about

I can learn things later, I have no doubt

30 minutes or so all to myself

Hopefully I’m not called on for answer help

Take me to a better place with no bitter taste

Some tell me that this time is going to waste

But I disagree, please let me be

Because this “wasted” time makes me happy